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Monday, June 24, 2013

Spidey Strikes A Poise

Spidey working on his balance.

My stamina is slowly increasing, but I imagine over the next few weeks it should grow exponentially as the past day has shown me I am able, just don't want to cause any setbacks in my training program, like Spidey pictured here working on his Life Tai Chi.

I looked down at my wound today and knew that an alien probe had implanted some evil in me. My torso is starting to look like a battlefield, the middle earth over which wizards, orks, elves, General Zod and other sundry characters fight out the war of life of the little evils that suck out the light.

When you (figuratively speaking) have become a specimen for medical science, and are put on the treadmill of care that will help, with best intentions, your survival, many thing in life tend to become of minimal importance, like whether or not your butt cheeks hang out of your johnnie. Also the army of different faces that come in and turn this knob, twist that tube, do this test or just take a peak down the wound site for some personnel educational edification. I am all good with the above, even the hands of assorted caregivers fumbling around under my Johnnie for electrodes and the like. As the patient, you become an unsuspecting tourist in the land of your own treatment, conscious and unconscious, although the drugs color that with some strange colors, and time becomes something quite unlike anything we experience while pushing a cart through Walmart looking for a new bag of Doritos. Although Walmart itself is kind of a timeless place and I refuse to go in just for that reason, also run by Aliens seeking to bend time to their will and not yours...but I digress...

While I was waking up, I found I had had my hands tied down, which was a good thing because I desperately wanted to reach up and yank that damn breathing tube from my throat. And, when I did wake up I was in this timeless space of low lights, buzzers, and a clock that seemed to challenge me with my ability to understand time and my Einstein type of relativity to the rest of the cosmos.

Now, when they open your chest and tinker with your heart, it's pretty straight forward stuff. But your mind comes out of it with drug residue trying to pull all the pieces back into some rationale construction upon which realty can be balanced. I would fall asleep, then wake up, feeling like I had slept for hours in the blackness of my drug induced world, but the clock's hand hadn't moved a bit. Now, once or twice was OK, and I thought, that's weird, but after hours of this I was loosing my mind somewhere between Wait a Minute, and Man, I'll never be back...

I will write more, but I have a tremendous charlie horse in my back, and it's hard to sit at the computer to type...but stay tuned ....

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