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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Neanderthalic Krell, the Yellow Brick Road, and the Tinman Returns

Well, the Tinman has returned after a splendid week in a small corner of semi-tropical paradise known as Tybee Island.

While I was gone, I have studied more about the KRELL and determined with great certainty that we are a sub-species still evolving. As I mentioned before, the 1956 science fiction film (really a documentary of our relatives the KRELL), the "Forbidden Planet" described that extinct race of advanced beings on the planet Altair IV.

The Krell had reached a stage of technological and scientific development they were able to construct, a machine that turned their thoughts into reality, or unreality.

(We call this the U.S. Congress).

Another Krell device was their educator, a device that operated directly on the brain to measure intelligence and impart knowledge.

(We, the simple sub-species of Neanderthalic Krell have not reached the intellectual synthesis of the Altair IV KRELL, but we have perfected something we call the re-educator, and it is a device that works directly on our brain to sap our intelligence and destroy what limited Knowledge we possess, we call this the political process.)

The characteristic arch, the doorway they used to move between rooms by the KRELL was much wider at the middle than at the top and bottom, suggests a being of enormous girth.

(In that manner the development of the Neanderthalic Krell (us) we are definitely catching up and demonstrating that we too can become obese beings. Phat kids and parents strive to be the KRELL, but like the KRELL, eating those fucking chips and dip will cause unknown problems down the road. If only we could see the future, but then, even the KRELL couldn't do that. Because if they could, well, they wouldn't have destroyed themselves on the blade of their own hubris described in the 'documentary' as an 8,000-cubic-mile (33,000 km3) machine that was supposed to create a heaven on Altair IV, so to speak, but instead eradicated the entire population of KRELL.

Now, as Neanderthalic Krell, we haven't managed the perfection and the simplicity of causing our own extinction in one night, although I remember when I was in the 3rd grade and practicing hiding under my desk from the possibility of an atomic strike by the Red Menace, we were pretty fucking close. And, what kind of desks did they make in those days that they could withstand an atomic blast? No wonder we won the Cold War...but, I digress.

As Neanderthalic Krell, we do possess the bright lights of creating amazing good solutions to solve problems, but when we endeavor to do too much, we unwittingly destroy the very things we try to create by not having the ability to understand what we were trying to do in the first place.

Again, see the Congress here, or take a close look at Detroit, and how, in the short period of my lifetime they have gone from the most affluent city, probably in the world, to the most corrupt and bankrupt community in the country.

As Mark Steyn commented:

Forty-seven percent of adults are functionally illiterate, which is about the same rate as the Central African Republic, which at least has the excuse that it was ruled throughout the Seventies by a cannibal emperor. The illiterates include a recent president of the school board, Otis Mathis.


Detroit was in 1960 the city with the highest per capita income in the land. Half a century on, Detroit’s population has fallen by two-thirds, and in terms of “per capita income,” many of the shrunken pool of capita have no income at all beyond EBT cards. The recent HBO series Hung recorded the adventures of a financially struggling Detroit school basketball coach forced to moonlight as a gigolo.

Passing through several airports on our return journey from Tybee Island, and communicating with the Neanderthals that seem to be running amuck in all directions and all manner of attire, it is clear that their (because obviously I am not one of this species, but must have been sent here from some other planet to observe this society) ...penchant for self-destruction is the more dominant aspect of their existence.

And like the KRELL, who were originally frog-like with two long legs and a big tail, think of our early fetal form, they never used steps but depended upon ramps between the steps to accommodate their dragging tail. And, here on earth, the Neanderthalic Krell, seem to be evolving in that same direction, because the pants don't seem to fit and many of the younger Neanderthals must be dragging something down their pant legs to walk so uncomfortably. Maybe, like the Detroit gigolo mentioned by Mr. Steyn, that tail the KRELL had to drag up the ramp was because they too had turned to a tortured form of gratification before their KRELLETRON could do the job for them, because, at least in the minds of many Neanderthalic Krell, the size of their tail is an important consideration.

So, back from a week away, and returning back up the Yellow Brick Road with dark clouds sent by the evil witch the Widowmaker, that caused a night in ATL, a trip to JFK the next morning, a cab ride to LGA in the afternoon, and waiting for a flight that was never going to happen, because as my wife and I were trying to catch a flight to BOS where we could catch a bus to PWM, a funny thing happened, an airplane landed without any front nose gear, or nose gear that could withstand the airport closed...turn to ace in the Tinman's back pocket, we rented a car and drove five hours from NYC to PWM arriving home about 1245 in the morning...not bad for a quad by-pass patient, but personally I would have preferred to have bypassed the waiting all day in NYC for a flight that was not destined to takeoff... but then again, it's the Krell in me...

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