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Saturday, February 15, 2014

Still Waiting!


...still waiting for the results of my latest noted, I do not need a nightlight in the house now as my inner glow is something close to Mickey Rooney in the Atomic Boy.

OK, I might be showing my age with that one, but I loved all those old cheapy movies that tried to help people get a grip on the future. Hey, and that's what I am trying to do, get a grip.

I was counting up my scans the other day and I believe, give or take one or two, that I have eclipsed the 20 mark over the past seven years, and the way things are going I will probably be having my body radiated every now and then, just for good measure. I am reminded of the early years of radiation, when they thought it was a wonder tool for medicine, which it is. But in those early days they found if they radiated a child's head with enough X power it would kill lice.

Well, they killed a lot of lice, but when the kids started developing brain tumors it wasn't long before these early explorers of radiation put the proverbial one and one together and understood that they could only administer the X-rays in limited dosages.

My doc tells me that the new protocol is 15 CT-scans in five years. OK, I might have gone past that and I am now out there in X-space, so to speak, but you're damned if you do, and damned if you don't.

You know, in the Star Trek shows they never talked about how the "beam me up" rays impacted the body. Hmmmmmm. And, on top of that, I just found out that there are 11 dimensions and not the one that I live in....damn completed world we have created for ourselves.

I really prefer the one dimension that I live in to anything else, even if I do glow like a poppy-wogg pulled out of the Susquehanna River just outside of the Three Mile Island Nuke facility. I would have said nuclear or nucular, but I never get them right...good news is that I do not have any fucking lice.

1 comment:

  1. Tim, you are in our thoughts and prayers that the results of your last scan will prove you have the upper hand in this battle. Thanks for sharing your honest thoughts with us.

    We feel the same conundrum: to glow or not to glow. Well, the mad scientists are winning that fight. I thought we almost won when Evan had a reaction to the contrast dye for his last CT. Sadly, for now, MRIs are not in his future since THEY have found a way around his allergic reaction. So, Evan joins you in glowing brightly for a long time to come.

    Give my love to all the family,
    Kathy Lumpkin


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