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Thursday, May 8, 2014

Day of Hope, 2014

I've been asked to speak again at my companies Day of Hope event. This will be my third or fourth time speaking about my life with cancer and a few tidbits of what it means to me, and perhaps to you.

Maybe I am not suitable bowed under by the idea of cancer, although I have been knocked down a few times, but as  long as I can think about it and talk about it, there's something to be said about active resistance to the notion of something that highlights the existential reality of our lives.

I dunno what I am going to talk about, because as you have read in this blog I have a lot to say, sometimes about nothing at all.

No Krell or space aliens in my talk today.

Too bad, that's some really fun shit to think about...

No talk of how our climate changes and thus changes history, really interesting stuff...but that's not a bad lead in as the physiological climate in my body has changed, but I am weathering it pretty good.

I will probably speak about how the War on Cancer, bad name I think, not everything has to be militarized, is really an expanded research that helps everyone and creates new forms of therapies and techniques that either helps sustain the nameless souls of gods metrics or saves them altogether...

Yeah, that's about hope, I mean it is the Day of Hope after all.

Best to you all, Tim

Cancer survival & life adventures

Cancer survival & life adventures
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