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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Unsuspecting & Suspecting?

Well, Just a few observations while I am waiting for life continue before it slips down the memory whole of the universe.

As a commuter now of some time and stamina, I have been able to observe some peculiar habits of my fellow autobahn travelers. One, that I am particularly curious about is how, while I am driving in the center lane of a three lane highway, someone will come up from behind me, tailgate for a few seconds, and then, surge around me into the passing lane. 

All the time the right lane is open. 

Now, what makes this a curiosity for me is that after they have sped up and now can feel the wind in their hair with open road ahead and around, they pull in front of me and head toward the off ramp, which is on the right. 

What's up with that. I mean, com'on man.

Yesterday, I was walking through the airline terminal where I work, and taking somewhat the same strategy as my driving, hit the center lane and be cautious, I felt a traveller coming up from behind on my right, and I glanced to see a woman pulling a bag and trying very hard to get around me. She sped up and I slowed a little, she again took me on the left, and without a blinker on, she cut right across me and headed into the ladies room. Had to go, I guess, and boy am I sympathetic in that area. Do I have a sign on me that indicates people need to cut me off on the highway and now while I am walking. 

To me, when I think about it, which I am doing now, it indicates that people don't really have a plan to get to where they are going. Because it would seem that to merge into the right lane would get you to the exit more safely than doing a clown car act and cutting off some unsuspecting traveller. Which, I can tell you, is not me, because I am very suspecting.

Met Teller, of Penn and Teller fame, the other day.  He seemed bored. Maybe he was missing Penn. Dunno. Tim 


Friday, January 24, 2014

Invitation to follow FIVE PLUS & Tim Norris

Hi from FIVE PLUS.
Toledo, Spain

I just deleted another blog that I had that was an attempt to showcase my pictures. I found, however, with the many projects that I have going I was not giving enough time to exhibiting my images there. Hence I have upgraded my photo website that displayed many of the pictures I have taken the past few years beginning mostly when I purchased my first digital camera - a canon 40D. Last year I purchased a 5d Mark II, and also display images using that camera and those of the 40D, which I still like to use. So if you click on my picture here, it will take you to my photo website that has been reorganized for better viewing.

2011, Chile Altiplano
I have been busy lately, vacationing in Belgium and taking some time off from work. But during that time I have made significant advances on a manuscript I am working on, and laid the ground work for solid work in other areas. And, taking pictures is always a way for me to become re-acquainted with the world around me. Sometimes with taking pictures it is just the serendipitous things that happen around you, like a llama trying to hitch a ride from Putre to the Bolivian border.

Koroni, Greece

I will post more here in the coming weeks, as I will have a new scan coming up on February 4th, with the results on the 12th. In my mind, nothing much has probably changed and I think that any new course of action will be to continue to wait and see in the short term.

So, in the mean time I invite you to follow this site by signing up using one of the methods available here. You can also use pinterest to pin this website on your boards there. Any help or sharing is also a good thing.

But, I find it fun to play with those things the camera will do. I have always been interested in time exposures and playing with the imagery and light when the aperture is left open. The beauty of a digital camera is that the mistakes do not cost anything and they are easily deleted. After sometime these playful images can produce imagery that is striking. If you visit my photo site click on the menu item that indicates something different. There you will find some of the images that are made by playing with the light and environment.

All the best, tim

Cancer survival & life adventures

Cancer survival & life adventures
Welcome. Please subscribe to my new FIVE PLUS webpage, linked by clicking on the nandu. Thanks, Tim

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